Corporate Social Responsibility

Working globally Supporting locally
The development of long-term social and business relations forms a significant part of our common existence.
Our Company is aware not only of its impact on the social environment, but also of the fact that our potential should be used to achieve higher social goals, including those not directly related to our activity.

Charity work
In 2016, MKL BAU set up a charity foundation for the benefit of children and their families. Pursuant to the statute, the main objective of the MKL For Kids Foundation is charitable work involving aiding families facing severe diseases of their children and assisting those with limited material resources.
We believe that our business activity, whether conducted domestically or abroad, our contacts with European corporations in the power industry sector, as well as our involvement and commitment to local communities, will see successes in fund raising dedicated to the children in need.

Activity for the purpose of local communities
We are committed to promoting socially oriented and charitable activity. We support actions taken at local schools and the Siedlce University. We promote physical activity and natural environment protection. We have funded Siedlce secondary schools by helping them organize graduate reunions (at the 1st B. Prus Secondary School and the 2nd Jadwiga of Poland Secondary School). In addition, we helped financially with the organization of the Jubilee of the 100th Anniversary of the Special School-Didactic Centre in Siedlce.
MKL is also a sponsor of sports meetings, such as:
- Siedlce Athletics Thursdays organized by FENIKS Siedlce Sports Club
- Open Chess Tournament Karo Chess organized by Academy of Applied Sciences Mazovia
- Rubik’s cube tournament - Siedlce Open
- city run - Academic Ten - organized by the Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities and local sports societies
- triathlon sports contests - Triathlon at Zimna Woda

Popularization of sport and physical culture
MKL BAU has been one of the initiators and remains a strategic sponsor of the Siedlce triathlon society. The Triathlon Siedlce Club was set up at the beginning of 2016 as an initiative of contenders and triathlon lovers wishing to promote the same as well as a healthy lifestyle in our region. The Club associates adults, teenagers and children. It is an organizer of sports activities: cycling, running, and swimming. Club members are offered training programmes, equipment advice, progress check, and, above all, joint trips to sports contests. Despite its short history, the Triathlon Siedlce Club may pride itself on multiple national and international achievements in triathlon competitions.
MKL SEMP Siedlce, i.e. the Siedlce Association of Education of Young Soccer Players, is yet another organization supported by MKL BAU. The underlying objective of the Club is the popularization of physical culture and sports, most of all soccer, amongst children and teenagers.
The Association of Education of Young Soccer Players unites now over four hundred soccer art followers, both boys and girls aged 3 to 12. Pedagogues and coaches working with the Club attend to teaching and improving technical and tactical elements of soccer, developing health-oriented lifestyles, preventing addictions and promoting an active way of spending free time by children and teenagers.
What is more, MKL BAU also supports financially Siedlce Hockey Society (STH). The funds are allocated for protective gear for children aged 7 to 13 and trips of the senior hockey group to hockey tournaments played around Poland. The Club joins adults, teenagers and children. The purpose of the Society is to inject a healthy lifestyle and fair competition into young people. STH is also an organizer of sports activities for the youngest inhabitants of Siedlce using the city ice-rink. Despite a short winter season, hockey, as a beautiful sports discipline that instils teamwork and moulds personality, has many fans and followers.

Environmental protection
It is the policy of MKL BAU to maximally reduce the impact of our activity on the natural environment. Therefore, we sort waste and minimize the use of detergents in the workplace. We also ensure that the volume of printed documents is kept to a minimum. And we encourage our Customers and Suppliers to do the same.
Each of our projects is conducted bearing in mind the environmental provisions specific to construction sites, and with great attention to nature and occupational health and safety.